Things were looking bleak here in the Tavern; we were beginning to feel the muse had deserted us and there would be no more song parodies. But now salvation has appeared in the form of Gordon Brown's nemesis:
There’s a lady you’ll have heard of up in Rochdale,
She told Nick Clegg to look her in the eye;
She said ‘Are you happy with the coalition?
Don’t you wish you’d given Labour a try?’
‘It’s all gone wrong’ says that woman,
The one stilll givin’ party leaders the blues.
‘I've watched you speaking on the television,
I've listened to you on the radio,
I know that you've got nothing new to offer;
That’s the same speech that you gave an hour ago.’
‘It’s all gone wrong’ says that woman,
And she's still givin’ party leaders the blues.
‘Yes, it’s all gone wrong’ says that woman,
And now she won’t accept Nick Clegg’s excuse.
Yes, it’s all gone wrong’ says that woman,
And Gillian Duffy's back again in the news.
(See Those Gillian Duffy Blues for the original story)
Too Old
7 hours ago