It’s almost beyond parody. From today’s Telegraph online:
'The 20-year-old father of the grandson of Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate in the 2008 US election, will run for mayor in his hometown as part of a reality TV show, his manager, Tank Jones, said.
Mr Jones said Mr Johnston, whose career thus far has included stints in the Alaskan oil fields and posing nude in Playgirl, is serious about politics.'
Of course, there’s a media angle in this; the charming Mr Johnston - self-styled f***ing redneck - is far from averse to any form of publicity. Even Bristol Palin, a woman so devoid of judgement she allowed this waste of space to impregnate her and then got engaged to him - twice – has decided enough is enough and broken it off again.
In fact, in what is hardly a ringing endorsement of Levi Johnston, she’s now a vociferous campaigner for sexual abstinence among teenagers. Meanwhile he’s setting off on the political campaign trail, hoping to be elected Mayor of Wasilla. After all, they once elected Sarah Palin – how hard can it be?
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