As regular readers may have gathered, my toils at the chalkface are interspersed with excursions into the thespian world.
It's a business whose charm lies in its infinite variety - from teaching a bunch of hyperactive rats to dance the Charleston to discussing the finer points of Tom Stoppard with a cast of bright 18-year-olds.
With a production currently in full swing, time is in short supply and there are dozens of slightly surreal tasks to do, including knitting 20 yards of forest lichen and ironing half a dozen wolf costumes, which doesn't leave much time for musing on life's little ironies.
I often listen to Radio 4 while ironing, which was fortunate because this afternoon I heard what has instantly become my new favourite song.
It's by Dory Previn, whose mordant lyrics are worth printing in full, and sung by Kate Dimbleby.
And it just says it all....
ReplyDeleteIt's certainly tough finding time just now. Seems to be getting worse.