No, it's not the out-of-context comment that launched a thousand angry outbursts* (and 5,000 complaints to the BBC), but the Unison response. After the general secretary demanded that Clarkson be reported to the police - and wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall in that interview? - a spokeswoman weighed in with this objective analysis:
'It's disgusting. It's like something Colonel Gaddafi would say about a demonstration.'
(Courtesy of Radio 4 news at 6.30pm)
And the ever-acerbic Longrider has just posted this memorably phrased opinion on the same topic:
'No one – except a compete fool with their head shoved so far up their arse they can do their own dental checks – seriously believes that he was actually suggesting anyone be killed.'
*If you haven't seen the footage, it's on view at Angry Exile, who finds a side order of extra amusement on camera.
Hardly anyone cares
47 minutes ago
And now we find out the jokes were pre-approved by the Beeb!